March Fed: Regional Manufacturing Numbers Show Continued Industry Growth

Looking back on March manufacturing trends, the industry was growing nationally, just at a slower rate. For those interested in the nation’s smaller geographic regions, however, that trend did — and also did not — hold true. See what changed and what those changes could mean for manufacturers nationwide and in the five federal districts…
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Pros and Cons of Lean Manufacturing

For some time, many companies have been singing the praises of lean manufacturing, either as a standard lean production practice, or as lean six sigma, a combination of lean manufacturing principles and six sigma principles. But should you be implementing lean manufacturing in your organization? What are the pros and cons? What Is Lean Manufacturing?…
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How to Write A Good Procedure

In any field, whether it be manufacturing, medical, construction or even food service it is important that most, if not all tasks and processes have a written procedure. Having written procedures and regularly refining them not only improves the way your company does business but provides a back-up plan in case of the unexpected. Events…
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SunPower Buys Tariff-Backing SolarWorld

In an interesting move, it was recently announced that SunPower Corporation is buying SolarWorld Americas, a rival company that championed import tariffs which shook the solar industry last year. We’ve written about the state of the solar industry before, especially about SunPower’s work to be exempt from some or all of President Trump’s tariffsbecause of…
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DOE and NAM Partner Up in the Name of Sustainability

Do you practice sustainable manufacturing in your facility? The Department of Energy (DOE) and National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) have partnered up to implement green manufacturing goals. As part of its Better Plants initiative, the DOE is teaming up with NAM for the Sustainability in Manufacturing partnership to help manufacturers strengthen their investments in sustainable…
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Renewable Energy Pros and Cons: What’s Best For Your Manufacturing Company?

Renewable energy seems to be the wave of the future, with everyone touting wind, geothermal and solar energy benefits. But what about renewable energy in manufacturing? Is it worth it? Is it beneficial? Here’s what you need to know about the pros and cons of renewable energy for corporations and manufacturing companies. Pros The pros…
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Digital Twin Technology in Manufacturing

You’re at the grocery store and you can’t remember if you need milk. You use an app on your phone to look inside your refrigerator at home to see how much milk you have left. Device interconnection via the Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible for you to access data on your fridge’s contents from…
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Cybersecurity and Manufacturing: What’s at Risk and How to Protect Your Facility

The promise of technological advancements is the positive face of a double-sided coin. Every advancement that adds convenience, improves productivity times, and better connects different pieces of manufacturing processes comes with a risk.  Each of those added components is a point of cybersecurity vulnerability, and manufacturing industry insiders must make sure they advance their security standards…
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The Pros & Cons of Overseas Sourcing

President Trump’s recently announced tariffs on imports from China has started to have an effect on American businesses that rely on imported goods to refine and turn into new products. Many of these companies are struggling to figure out how to accommodate for the increase in operating costs because of the tariffs, and whether or…
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Software vs Firmware: What Is the Difference?

In electronics, specifically any device that does computing, you will run into the terms software and firmware. The difference between the two can be a little hard to define as they both, in general, refer to data stored within a hardware device. Software is most often meant to describe a program or piece of data…
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